Be Patient With Yourself

Good things really do take time

Most likely much longer than you initially thought

Part of me wishes it didn’t

Part of me appreciates it and sees the true gold behind it all

Transformation is a slow and sometimes painful process

But realistically if God, ‘The Potter’, is not trying to RUSH us through our process

Then there is no need for us, ‘the clay’, to stress out either (Isaiah 64:8)

Just keep taking the next step

Build your story one day at a time

Purposefully BUILD…

Day by day

Piece by piece

No effort is going unnoticed

The smallest seeds sown… GOD SEES IT

And He will not be mocked concerning your harvest (Gal. 6:7)

Don’t delay enjoyment into some ideal future

The best thing you can do is CHOOSE to enjoy yourself RIGHT NOW… on the a way to your destination


A Time of Restoration