Graduation time…now what!?

Remember when your whole life till a certain point had been ‘set’ for you in a school routine and all of a sudden you lose that structure and think… ‘wait, what do I do now?’

It’s like autopilot just turned off, and now it’s time for you to place your hands on the steering wheel and drive for the first time


Welcome to graduation time!

This will happen in various stages of life… a transition from one way of living into the next level of growth and responsibility that God has for you


This is a key moment to set your focus toward God who already has a design and a plan in place for your life

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11


This can also be an opportunity to take steps into ‘the unknown’ … knowing that God will guide you into the exact, right place as you take these next steps

Transitioning and learning how to shift from one season to the next is necessary if you want to continue to grow


You were faithful in this past season with a few things/smaller things and now God is wanting to shift you into BIGGER!

We are all built for adventure and ultimately… expansion!


God is an absolute master when it comes unexpected surprises.

Just like any Father that loves the thrill on their kid’s faces when they are blown away by a gift, God, in the same way, will overwhelm you with His goodness

But it’s right past comfortable… and will be found as you actively take these necessary steps toward your destiny


Some of the biggest surprises are actually going to be YOU seeing the NEXT version of you unveiled. You’re stepping into a more GENUINE/TRUE version of YOU if that makes sense

There are gifts, talents, and greater abilities that God has placed IN YOU that you most likely were not aware of, or at least to this degree

This next phase you’re stepping into will place a greater demand on these gifts and bring them to light in a bigger and even a newer expression!


Graduation time … Now what?!

One part of it… Relax and enjoy the journey. The same God who started this plan (before you were even in your mother’s womb) will be faithful to finish it as well.

Yet also, keep being your BEST every day. Stay alert and sharp. Transition is not time to let your guard down. It’s like this weird place of being between a departure, yet not all the way into the arrival of what’s next. So it’s naturally a more vulnerable position to be in.

Stay at peace. God’s got you. Things may happen fast with God, but if it’s really from Him it’ll never be in a RUSH aka fear or impatience

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:6-7

You won’t have to force any doors open, it’s just that when the right doors & opportunities DO open up, you want to be ready to step right in, knowing that God has already fully prepared you in this past season.

Congratulations are in order. You’ve graduated this past season of life!


‘THRU’ Instead of ‘OUT’
