‘THRU’ Instead of ‘OUT’
In the fields, God delivered David…
But it was deliverance THROUGH with the strength and boldness required to defeat the lion and bear attacking his father’s flock.
For God to remove him OUT from the situation would have been a disservice to David’s ‘destiny-preparations’
Same concerning Goliath, if God would have delivered David out of the situation, he wouldn’t have advanced into his kingship and authority.
Many times we’re asking God for deliverance to take us OUT of a situation
But God’s response is: “My grace is sufficient for you” (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Grace …
as in … empowerment
as in … a supernatural enabling you to do something with ease that you’ve never been able to do before
as in … a passion for knowledge to ‘deep dive’ this subject as you discover real solutions instead of ‘quick fixes’
Do NOT be discouraged by a ‘failure’ or a ‘giant’ in your life
Many times ‘failure’ is just an indicator that our ‘set point’ needs to come up higher
Your internal image still needs adjusting.
Your knowledge base is still too limited. And it’s ‘for a lack of knowledge the people perish ‘ Hosea 4:6
Let God invest into you… HIS set point. HIS image of you. HIS knowledge.
“By His knowledge, the depths BROKE OPEN” Prob. 3:20
Knowledge is required to take you from perishing to start seeing things in your life BREAK open!
Get ready for a passion to ‘deep-dive’ into certain subjects that are required in order for your destiny to be fulfilled!
Whether it’s spiritual, physical, financial, emotional, relational, etc.
Don’t limit or box God into one category
And don’t limit yourself by avoiding this LEVEL UP time
God wants to use you in your FULL capacity
He wants to bless you on ALL fronts
Not in just one area or aspect
“My grace is sufficient for you”
Now YOU attack this with MY strength coursing through you!
“I can do all things [which He has called me to do] through Him who strengthens and empowers me [to fulfill His purpose—I am self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency; I am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me with inner strength and confident peace.]”
Philippians 4:13 AMP