‘FAME’, do you have the GUTS!?
“I will bless you. I will make you famous” Gen. 12:2
Do you have the GUTS to step into YOUR God-given FAME?
Not a self-promotion, ‘look at me’ thing
But also not swinging into the other ditch of hiding/covering God’s blessing in your life out of fear
I don’t care if it’s your world ‘famous’ pies
Or if it’s being ‘famous’ for how well you raise your family as a stay at home mom
‘Public eye’ doesn’t define fame
God’s assignment for each person is different yet VITAL despite the “size of audience”
‘Fame’ is simply a reputation that naturally occurs in the crowd around you as God’s blessing on you becomes more and more undeniable
“Whatever your task is work at it heartily before God” Colossians 3:23
Thus God will bless it
Thus you WILL stand out from the crowd
It’s that simple.
And instead of pretending you’re a self-made man/woman, just be honest and ‘REMEMBER the Lord your God’
aka… use the opportunity to share WHY you're so blessed and are standing out from the crowd when some notices and asks
God needs good leaders to STEP UP right now more than ever
Whether leading a nation, a company, or a family of toddlers
He doesn’t see one as more important than the other… but mark these words… we are entering a time of ‘out with the OLD and IN with the NEW’
No more complaining about BAD leadership if you’re not willing to step up in your own way right now
It’s ‘revealing time’
Let God IN you shine OUT OPENLY to the world around you
“I will bless you. I will make you famous” … NO MORE letting fear hold us back!
People are waiting for YOU to show up and show them something REAL and something that WORKS.
And you didn’t have to hurt anybody, or cheat or steal to get there… you just had to have the boldness to LET GOD MAKE YOU FAMOUS … and now like Abraham, in a blessed position to be a BLESSING to those around you